Departments » Technology


The Cannon County Schools technology department works hard to provide outstanding technical support and training. We aim to ensure students and teachers receive the best available equipment and software. We want to make sure our students are prepared to use technology not only in school but also in their chosen careers. Our department consists of a director of technology, two network technicians.
We provide classroom set Chromebooks from K-5th grade and one to one from 6th-12th.  Every classroom is equipped with a 75" tv. We have four local network sites with 1GB fiber that connects back to Central Office where we have 4GB egress outbound for the district Internet with 100% wireless coverage. We have access points in all classrooms with outside access coverage.
Cannon County Schools has over 1,700 devices on our network. This includes computer labs, Chromebook stations, printers, Promethean ActivPanels, and eGlass Lightboards. 
We have implemented other programs district-wide to improve productivity. Google is the district email provider. Not only do all personnel have an email account, but students also have a school email account. School personnel report technology repair needs via the online Technology Help Desk. This program organizes repair tickets per school.
How to videos:
Michael Medford
Director of Technology
Phone:  629-201-4801
Ext. 10139
Timothy Davis
Sr. Network Technician
Phone:  629-201-4801
Ext. 10140
Charlie Hatmaker
Network Technician
Phone:  629-201-4801
Ext. 10138